[Vwdiesel] Milleage

doonboggle doonboggle at yahoo.com
Fri Nov 27 14:49:52 PST 2009

Regarding the comment about mpg's, in 1982 we got our first diesel, a 1981 sedan ... basic car ... and bought it sight unseen from a dealer in Elko, Nevada.  At the time I had another car, and was referred to the dealer by his flooring lender, the bank that I also worked for at the time.  Gave the owner a call and described to him, in detail what I had to trade, and he gave me a price, and also a price on the rabbit he had.

So me and the family jumped into the car and drove over to Elko ... walked in and handed the keys to our car to the owner ... he in turn handed me the keys to the rabbit and paperwork to sign ... and we walked out in less than 30 minutes, the proud owner of a brand new rabbit diesel.  For breakend, we then headed northwest to Seattle to brother in laws, and back to Carson City.

First service at dealer, I ordered the auxiliary fuel tank that fit into the spare wheel well in the rear, and also the bumper mount for the spare.  That gave me something like 20-25 gallons of fuel.

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