[Vwdiesel] mileage

soul2ipsist at juno.com soul2ipsist at juno.com
Sat Nov 28 14:24:02 PST 2009

When I was a teenager I used to be amazed at the fact I could tuck 3 foot off a box trailer and be sucked right along in neutral, at least while going down hill.  Even turned the engine off a few times.  With the lessening of my brilliance, and working a little recovery I no longer practice this.  Road tripping in a TDI these days, I don't trust the ground clearance over many speed bumps.  

---------- Original Message ----------
From: Tad <tadc at europa.com>
To: William J Toensing <toensing at wildblue.net>
Cc: vwdiesel at vwfans.com
Subject: Re: [Vwdiesel] mileage
Date: Sat, 28 Nov 2009 13:37:04 -0800

People say that it's dangerous but I'm not so sure.  With my TDI anyway, I
can stop about 100 times faster than a truck/bus, so as long as I am far
enough back to hit the brakes before I hit the truck, what's the problem?
 True that you can't see what's going on up the road, but that's also true
when you're following at a safer distance.  Just pay attention to the
truck's brake lights...

On Sat, Nov 28, 2009 at 2:02 AM, William J Toensing
<toensing at wildblue.net>wrote:

> It is true you can get better mileage BUT this is very dangerous. It is a
> good way to have a rear end collision & this practice is very illegal too.
> When the first generation Honda Insight cam out, one of the car magazines
> got 108 MPG by drafting. I think it was Car & Driver but not sure.
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