[Vwdiesel] mileage

decker at toledotel.com decker at toledotel.com
Sat Nov 28 14:39:26 PST 2009

    One problem is if he blows a tire on a trailer and the tread comes off
in mostly one piece you can't dodge it. A few months ago I pulled out pretty
close behind a big Chip truck that had pulled out to pass a slow poke car
and he blew a super single on his trailer. lucky me it didn't come up far
enough to clear the hood on my 1983 Mitsubishi 4 wheel drive turbo diesel
pickup or I probably wouldn't be writing this. I bent my bumper, the valence
underneath a fender and the hood. I'm sure if it had hit the windshield it
would have come through. It was a lesson to me to say a reasonable distance
back of the big rigs. I also drive big diesels in the summer with a set of
doubles hauling corn and carrots from Eastern Washington to a freezing plant
here in Chehalis on the west side. You are right that if I'm empty I can't
stop quick because the tires smoke and bounce. If I'm full loaded to
103,000lbs I can't stop fast either. But if you were following a big rig
that had only say a 20,000 LB payload you will be shocked at how fast he
could stop.
Brian Decker
----- Original Message ----- 
From: "Tad" <tadc at europa.com>
To: "William J Toensing" <toensing at wildblue.net>
Cc: <vwdiesel at vwfans.com>
Sent: Saturday, November 28, 2009 1:37 PM
Subject: Re: [Vwdiesel] mileage

> People say that it's dangerous but I'm not so sure.  With my TDI anyway, I
> can stop about 100 times faster than a truck/bus, so as long as I am far
> enough back to hit the brakes before I hit the truck, what's the problem?
>  True that you can't see what's going on up the road, but that's also true
> when you're following at a safer distance.  Just pay attention to the
> truck's brake lights...
> On Sat, Nov 28, 2009 at 2:02 AM, William J Toensing
> <toensing at wildblue.net>wrote:
> > It is true you can get better mileage BUT this is very dangerous. It is
> > good way to have a rear end collision & this practice is very illegal
> > When the first generation Honda Insight cam out, one of the car
> > got 108 MPG by drafting. I think it was Car & Driver but not sure.
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