[Vwdiesel] The importance to lining up oil pump gears with markings on ea...

Kurt Nolte syncronized_turbo at yahoo.co.uk
Fri Oct 9 12:12:59 PDT 2009

Internally, NA and TD pumps are virtually identical. The only 
differences between the two are occasionally a difference in pump 
plunger size and the existence of extra linkages connected to the spill 
port control collar to move it around under boost in the TD pump.

Both NA and TD pumps can generate more than enough pressure to pop even 
180 bar shimmed injectors. Running the 155s on an NA will retard your 
timing, as the pump reaches the necessary pressure later in its stroke 
(Which, if I'm not mistaken, are why TD pump timing specs are more 
advanced than NA specs? I think?).


Bryan Belman wrote:
> I was hoping to try and make the Transportersfest outside of Boston this Sunday.  Is it OK to put in 1.6TD 155bar injectors on the 1.9na motor that normally runs 130bar injectors.  The pump is 1.9na.  I do not have an extra set of 130bar injectors at this time.
> I was told this should be OK, any comments?
> >From what I understand, you can not run NA injectors on a TD motor, but it works the other way around.
> I would think the NA pump would not build enough pressure to pop the 155bar injectors, but I guess not?
> I will not get my 1.9na injectors back until mid next week from Antrim Diesel in PA.
> Thanks
>  Bryan Belman, Pt. Pleasant, NJ
> 04 Jetta Wagon TDI PD, 100hp, 5sp -- running :)
> 92 Jetta 1.6 Eco-Turbo Diesel -- running :)
> 82 Diesel Westy 1.9NA -- not running :}
> 70 Type 1 stock Beetle -- Not running :( 
> ________________________________
> From: brian gochnauer <brian at gochnauer.net>
> To: vwdiesel at vwfans.com
> Sent: Tue, October 6, 2009 7:13:37 PM
> Subject: Re: [Vwdiesel] The importance to lining up oil pump gears with markings on ea...
> I don't know if Andrew is still part of this list but I created this from
> some web page I found a while back about a DIY injector nozzle tester.
> http://www.wikifastsoftware.com/injectionnozzletesterdiy
> On 10/6/09, Bryan Belman <dieselwesty at yahoo.com> wrote:
>> OK, I will pull injectors today and have them all bench tested for $5
> each.
>>   I will pull the pan as well to look and see.  I agree, I had oil pressure
> at all times, so I will go the easier route here.
>>   I need to drop the fuel tank to replace the front section of cooling
> pipe, so while the injectors are getting tested I can do this.  I will drain
> the tank and put this in one of my other cars and will put a fresh 5 gallons
> of fuel back in tank.
>>   thanks, I will let you know when I get the oil pan off (again) this
> weekend.
>>   Bryan Belman, Pt. Pleasant, NJ
>>   04 Jetta Wagon TDI PD, 100hp, 5sp -- running :)
>>   92 Jetta 1.6 Eco-Turbo Diesel -- running :)
>>   82 Diesel Westy 1.9NA -- running :}
>>   70 Type 1 stock Beetle -- Not running :(
>>   ________________________________
>>   From: "LBaird119 at aol.com" <LBaird119 at aol.com>
>>   To: vwdiesel at vwfans.com
>> Sent: Monday, October 5, 2009 10:11:45 PM
>> Subject: Re: [Vwdiesel] The importance to lining up oil pump gears with
> markings on ea...
>> In a message dated 10/5/2009 9:38:52 AM Pacific Daylight Time,
>>   dieselwesty at yahoo.com writes:
>>   > Injectors were new with the engine, these sounds seem like they are
>>   > coming from deep down in the motor and with the oil pressure drop I was
> seeing,
>>   > that tells me main bearings have spun.
>>     Frankly I've never seen a spun main, a few spun rod bearings though,
>>   only a couple on the VW diesel and one was just rough, not spun.
>>     Bad injectors sound like a gas engine rod knock.  Not that you couldn't
>>   have a bad bearing but it takes pretty much NO oil pressure rather than
>>   LOW oil pressure to damage a rod bearing on these engines and the
>>   mains are tougher to damage yet!
>>     My dasher oil light came on and registered basically no oil pressure
>>   at idle, when warm, with the turbo (and my added piston cooling.)
>>   Ran it for thousands of miles that way and never a problem.  No pressure
>>   doesn't mean no oil, it just means no pressure, there's still flow and I
>>   knew oil was pumping, still flowing, still had SOME pressure so I ran it
>>   and never a problem.
>>     If you can make it knock without driving it then I'd crack injector
> lines
>>   one at a time and see if it stops it.  Even so you could do the same
>>   for a very short run while driving and not make much mess.  You could
>>   at least identify which cylinder/injector it is.  Maybe your pressure
>>   relief has something stuck in it and that's dropping the pressure?
>>   There ARE some less than catastrophic scenarios that would explain
>>   the problems, hopefully one of them is right instead. : -)
>>       Loren
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