[Vwdiesel] 82 Rabbit diesel - injector pump lever is "sticky"

brian gochnauer brian at gochnauer.net
Sun Sep 20 09:45:09 PDT 2009

If a "gave the cable a generous shot of WD-40" improved the problem, then
replacing the cable will probably elminate the problem.
If you disconnect the cable from the pump does the lever return normal?


On 9/20/09, Joe <joe at haasenpfeffer.com> wrote:
> I've got an 82 Rabbit diesel whose injector pump was replaced (by the
> previous owner) in mid-2007 with a remanufactured pump from Parts Place
> Inc.
> Car is from Wisconsin, and was run on biodiesel as well as regular diesel.
> I'm running it exclusively on diesel.  I've owned it for about 2 months now
> and have put about 3K miles on it.. Gets 42 MPG at 70 MPH.  It's developed
> a
> "sticking" problem on the accelerator which I've determined is the pump
> lever itself, not the cable.  Once the engine is warm, I can pop the hood
> and grab the lever, increase the engine speed, and it will slowly (like
> it's
> gummed up) return to the idle position.  If I move it too far, the engine
> will race and I have to forcably push the lever back to idle.  It will
> return to idle by itself eventually, but I don't like to race the engine
> that high.
> Now I suspect this has been an issue with the pump from the beginning, as
> the previous owner had also purchased an accelerator cable about 6 months
> later but never installed it.  I looked closely at it and it appears to be
> the wrong cable (adjustment at the firewall, not at the pump like the
> original).  However, I've adjusted the original cable and gave it a
> generous
> shot of WD-40... The cable moves quite freely.
> So is it possible that the return springs on the remanufactured pump are
> orginal and somehow weakened?  I'm thinking about installing an additional
> return spring bolted to the passenger fender, just for safety's sake as I
> do
> wish to drive this car frequently.  Or is this a symptom of a more serious
> problem which will cause the pump to fail?  Indeed, am I causing more
> damage
> by using it?  Any input is appreciated.
> Joe
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