[Vwdiesel] replacing seals in the diesel injection pump

Andrew .Libby libbybapa at gmail.com
Wed Sep 30 06:26:16 PDT 2009

I wouldn't replace the copper washers unless they were leaking.  They aren't
wear surfaces and the copper seal does not degrade like the rubber o-rings.
I have resealed many pumps and replacing the big plug in the end of the
plunger is not necessary.  Torque it to 65-70 ft-lbs instead.


On Wed, Sep 30, 2009 at 4:52 AM, Dave <vwzoo at yahoo.com> wrote:

> Hi,
>  Last Friday I went to a local diesel repair shop and I bought the Bosch
> diesel injection pump seal replacement kit. Using the diagrams and
> directions I found on the internet I replaced all of the seals/O-rings
> except for one under the three sided bolt on the side. I didn't have the
> tool and I thought if it leaked down the road it would be easy to get the
> tool and do it then. I called the shop and asked if there was any torque
> specs for the pump as I tighten all of the parts back down. I was told 34
> ft/lbs on the fuel supply lines and return lines and 54 ft/lbs on the big
> bolt thing that the bolt that you remove to put the gauge in to time the
> pump screws in. He also told me that I need to replace that part. I don't
> know the correct name, but it's on the end of the high presure pump and like
> I said the bolt hole that you screw the dial indicator in to time the pump
> is located in this. My question is, since I have already replaced the O-ring
> on that if I
>  go out and get this new part, which he says he has in stock for 7 dollars,
> do I need another O-ring. I didn't torque this up I just screwed it in. I
> would suppose it would be fairly easy to replace down the road if it leaked.
> I would just have to remove the 4 fuel lines to get to it.  I didn't find
> any rust inside the pump by the way, but then again I did't totally
> disassemble it.
> Thanks
> Dave
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