[Vwdiesel] 89 Jetta NA diesel experience?

Sandy Cameron scameron at storm.ca
Thu Apr 15 18:41:34 PDT 2010

At 08:37 PM 4/15/2010 -0400, you wrote:
>I have an opportunity to acquire a German-production 1989 Jetta na >diesel 

I love my 89 Canadian Jetta TD.

Peppy, fast ECONOMICAL, it is much easier on fuel than the 87 TD that it
replaced (may she rust in peace).

I suspect the 89s were made a little lighter, thiner metal in some areas
like the hood and trunk lids. I know the hood on this one feels flimsier
than the one from the 87 (which I kept).

I suspect you have some timing and fueling problems with your NA, and yes,
the box was different in the NA, resulting in higher engine revs in 5th. I
found a 91 NA for my son that we will be changing the tranny in, probably to
an AGS or other long legged box, there are about 3 or 4 that give a decent
5th gear ratio. Can look them up for you if you wish.

I hate driving it right now on the highway, it just screams compared to my
TD which loafs along at abt 2800rpm at 60 mph. His is turning abt 3500 at 60.

Now that engine is built to take it, but having owned a couple of MB
diesels, that ghosted along in high gear at low revs, I feel the pain in the
late 80s and 90-92 NA and ECO volks.

The volks trannys are bolt-in replaceable, and unfortunately there are
dozens of them (counting the gassers), all with different ratios.

Google volks 020 transmissions, there are lots of charts on the web.

But before you put a lower ratio box in, solve your power problem. Start by
replacing the air filter with a GOOD one. It's twice as thick as the one for
the gasser. , twice as much surface area, half as many changes.
FRAM specs the gasser filter for diesels :*(

Google 'Bosch VE injection pump' to find info on fueling, lots of smarts on
this forum about that (not me).

I concur with your observations about handling and nimbleness.

If you really like the car, find a TD engine and matching tranny for it. You
can change them in less than a day.

PS:  I kept the engine and tranny from the retired 87 (Goldie) and it will
go in my son's 91  when we get a few spare minutes.

Up here in winter salty Canada, the engines still last forever, but the cars
rot away before your eyes!


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