[Vwdiesel] OT: advice @ buying diesel for friend

travis gottschalk tgott at hotmail.com
Thu Apr 22 12:26:47 PDT 2010

"Not to step on your toes but unless she's putting a LOT of miles 
on it in those summers"I always think in extrems so there isn't any surprises. I didn't know the state she is visiting in but I haven't had ANY good experience with ethanol and the longer it sits in a tank the more water it sucks up hence the fuel filter change. I don't know if bio diesel would do the same but MN has both fuels added at the pump. In WY I am not as worried about longer storage times as there isn't ethanol and/or bio fuels added to all the fuels and it is dryer here. Like I said, I think extremes so nothing is overlooked in the saving benefit of owning over renting and which kind to own. I have stored my Chevy lumina in college for the whole school year at a time. Had fuel additive in it. Made the mistake of not having a battery tender on it and got to buy a new battery. That is also key on storage is a tender whether the battery is taken out of the car or not it needs one on it. 
Travis G. 
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