[Vwdiesel] 6 pt vs 12 pt crank bolt

Will Taygan william at taygan.com
Fri Apr 30 11:15:40 PDT 2010

1.6 mechanical blocks.

I've got 2 different cranks, but 3 different bolts.

small 6 point bolt - crank with woodruff key - bolt NLA (reused).

large 6 point bolt - crank with notch (not TDI)

large 12 point bolt - crank with notch (same as above - not TDI, but
bolt looks TDIish)

Sooo...  can I upgrade to the newer TDIish 12 point on the larger
cranks, or should I try to find the 6 point one (is the newer one the
strech bolt?)


Will in Alaska.

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