[Vwdiesel] things that drive me crazy about VWs

Matt Alkire matt_lisa at sprynet.com
Wed Aug 11 07:54:22 PDT 2010

First of all, sweet car!

Second, one thing I've learned about late model VWs is all the problems tend to happen to multiple people.  Generally, every problem you'll have has happened to someone else before.  Searches on TDIclub and VW Vortex are your friend.  i've fixed many many problems this way.

Good luck clearing up the issue!  and enjoy that TDI!


On Aug 11, 2010, at 12:06 AM, Chris Geiser wrote:

> I fully realize that this is not the TDI list... but you guys being smarter,
> better looking, and generally VW-wise may have suggestions or at the very
> least, enjoy sharing in the frustration...
> I have lots of familiarity with IDI diesel Rabbits, Vanagons, and Jettas,
> and have stuck to those b/c of my distrust of computers and their ability to
> think for me when it comes to controlling my vehicles.  However my wife does
> not share the same enthusiasm for troubleshooting problems in old high
> mileage cars on the side of the road in -20 weather in the snow, so roughly
> 2 years ago, we bought her a new TDI Jetta - 2009 model year  (my
> justification for such a purchase).
> So about now (44K miles), a few minor things start popping up (bulbs and
> such).  Today, the heater / AC blower motor stopped working.  I did invest
> in a Bentley a month or two ago (it's now hard cover?).  So I pull that out
> to check where the fuse for the blower motor fuse is located.  20-30 pages
> later, I've figured out what kind of heater system it has (Climatic) and
> where the interior fuses are (drivers side of the dashboard - on the side
> where I can actually see them!!  VW learns, albeit
> slowly!!).   Bentley's clearly states that the fuse for the blower motor is
> in the "SC22" slot, is a 40 amp fuse, and even shows a picture of it.  Of
> course as you can probably guess, there is no fuse in that slot on my wife's
> car...
> I don't know that I've ever run into a VW fuse box diagram that is actually
> accurate as to where the fuses are physically in the box for any of my
> vehicles.  Not as big a deal in the older ones - just follow the wire, and
> you can figure it out.  I'm not too excited about following wires in this
> one.
> Given the mass production process, one would think that it would be harder
> to keep scrambling the order of the fuses within each car than to keep them
> consistent?  I really think it's some kind of VW assembly line insider joke
> - "Hey, guess which slot we put the blower motor fuse in today!!!"
> Anyway - I only wanted to stay out there in darkness being bombarded by
> mosquitoes for a short time, so I didn't delve any further; I'll carry on
> tomorrow... just had to share the joy!!
> Chris
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