[Vwdiesel] More Quantum Questions?

LBaird119 at aol.com LBaird119 at aol.com
Thu Aug 19 12:54:14 PDT 2010

  It's HIGHLY unlikely your flywheel mark is off a couple of degrees, 
and like Mark said, your valves would hit. 
  If it starts cold then won't start hot.  You're either off a tooth, 
which will show when you time it.  You won't be able to get enough 
mm at TDC with the pump against the end of the slots.  Or possibly 
you have a fuel intake or return restriction?  You need air, fuel, 
compression and cranking speed to start (and glow heat, depending 
on compression and temps).  So, it starts.  That means all are close 
so not starting hot means something changes.  Compression isn't it 
since that issue starts easier warm.  That leaves fueling and air.  
Doubtful your air filter is clogged since it starts at all, especially 
but it's something to verify.  Narrows it down to fueling so it's either 
timing or not getting fuel.  First thing to check is for bubbles in the 
supply line.  That's the most common cause of such problems except 
it'll usually restart immediately with no problems unless you have 
such a major leak that it starves out completely.  
  If it doesn't simply shut off and restart then I'd look for a restriction 

or major bubbles on the intake side.  If it does restart right away but 
not after a minute or two, then look for air leaking back in the return 

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