[Vwdiesel] Acc'y position on ign switch, A2s
tadc at europa.com
Thu Aug 26 14:50:02 PDT 2010
Not to nitpick, but powering a radio from the ignition switch(especially a
"thin" wire) doesn't seem like a good idea. One would be better off finding
the appropriate terminal in the fuse block and using that... which IIRC is
what I did in my A1.
Maybe my memory is failing in my old age, but I thought the A1s (and
definitely A4s, never owned an A2) would keep accessories powered after you
turned the key off until such time as you removed it.
On Thu, Aug 26, 2010 at 2:13 PM, Sandy Cameron <scameron at storm.ca> wrote:
> Something the manufacturers never told us, there is a contact in the
> ign/start switch that goes to 12 volts whenever a key is inserted in the
> lock. They intended this to activate the seatbelt and "key in the ignition"
> alarm (which most of us unplug) if you try to leave the car without
> pocketing the key. (Teutonic obsessive compulsion about rules) "You VILL
> remove das key! Nien?"
> If you are using an aftermarket radio, wire the original volks red radio
> wire (12 volts always) to the memory power for your radio so it does not
> not
> forget your station settings, then wire the acc'y power for the radio
> (usually yellow at the radio) to the thin brown with red stripe wire (Su
> contact) coming off the back of the ign switch.
> DO NOT attempt to power boomer-idiot amplifiers from this wire, fire would
> result. Use a relay.
> Bentley diagrams show it functional only in the "off" position but this is
> not true. The Su contact is energised in all 3 positions, whenever a key is
> in the ign lock.
> This will let you to sit and listen to the radio without the engine
> running,
> while your significant other finishes the shopping.
> Sandy
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