[Vwdiesel] lift pump

travis gottschalk tgott at hotmail.com
Fri Dec 3 18:44:58 PST 2010

Well, I just did a mod to the in tank fuel lift pump so I don't have to worry about the car killing on me if the lift pump stops again. The old pumps could still pull fuel through them somewhat if there wasn't any air leaks in the system. The new pumps won't allow that at all. Basically the fix takes the larger of the two hoses which is cut off and a T with 3 lines is installed instead with a check valve on the one hose side that draws the fuel if the pump fails. I also sealed up the Thermo T that was leaking. The orings were cut some so it was leaking. I found my final fuel MPG on the last tank of fuel with the head winds towing the trailer with a ATV on it and a car top carrier on it I got 20.2 MPG. That is the absolute worst I have ever gotten. I had to stay under 60 mph to prevent going over 1600 dF EGT the head wind was so bad when I turned North. The deer antler that stuck into my tire was pulled and the tire repaired. All is good in the VW life again. I tested my fuel pump mod by pulling fuse 28 which drives the pump. There have been reports of people not having a fuse in that area and they never noticed that there lift pumps weren't running since the OEM ones would allow fuel through. Of course the ALH engined ones didn't have the lift pumps but many have added them if they have don't power increases. For those of you that have the lift pumps I have had GREAT luck with idparts.com on the lift pump and many other parts. They are TDI owners and have some of the best prices around. Anything over $200 ships free as well (slow shipping). Well, that is hopefully my last update on the fuel system for a while. I did add the CAT fuel filter during this which adds longer filter changes and filters to a lower micron. The con of it is that there isn't a water seperator but the 2 micron vs I think 8 or so I think makes up for it. 

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