[Vwdiesel] Removing injectors

Craig Osborn cosborn at epix.net
Sat Feb 20 18:22:03 PST 2010

>>Andrew said -- I got my 1-1/16" deep socket from Sears
Today I went to AutoZone, Advance Auto, and Sears.  I found a 27mm deep
socket at all three stores, but all sockets had a shoulder in the socket
that made the socket too shallow to slip over the injector.  I searched
online and found three different brands of 27mm sockets that I could special
order from Sears.
One was the Armstrong brand 3/4 inch drive 27mm deep socket  - this one is
expensive but I was thinking that maybe the 3/4 drive would eliminate the
need to have a shoulder inside the socket.  
One was the Sears brand 1/2 inch drive 27mm deep socket - in the description
"Thin-wall construction gives access to hard-to-reach areas without loss of
socket strength"
The last was the SK brand 1/2 inch drive 27mm deep socket and this one did
not have much of a description.
None of the online pictures showed the inside of the socket.
Is anyone familiar with these brands and the design of the socket?  Can
anyone name a brand of socket that will work, since I have had no luck
finding one?

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