[Vwdiesel] Removing injectors

Craig Osborn cosborn at epix.net
Sun Feb 21 13:06:57 PST 2010

The injectors are out!  Thanks for all your advice.
I ended up buying a 27mm deep impact socket from NAPA auto parts.  I had to
grind down the outside a bit because it was too thick to fit between the #2
+ #3 injector and the metal on the head.  Once I took a bit off with my beck
grinder, it worked fine.
New Questions--
I am replacing the glow plugs at the same time.  At what ft/lb setting do I
torque the glow plugs into the head?  I can't find this spec in the manual.
I found the ft/lb setting for the injectors, fuel pipes, and fuel unions,
but not the glow plugs.  
I also had to cut off some of the metal fuel lines because I couldn't break
them loose from the fuel pump nipple without rounding the edges over on the
nipple.  I ordered new fuel lines.  When I reassemble them, would it be wise
to put a dab of anti-seize on the threads of the metal fuel lines or is this
a no no in the fuel system? 


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