[Vwdiesel] Volvo brake question

Tad tadc at europa.com
Thu Jan 21 16:02:40 PST 2010

If it were *my* car I might try it... I dunno if I'd risk it with someone
else at the wheel.

On Thu, Jan 21, 2010 at 2:36 PM, Dave <vwzoo at yahoo.com> wrote:

> Hi,
>    This isn't a VW question, but I thought I would ask your advice. I
> replaced the brake pads on my daughers 1990 Volvo 240. The front brakes are
> Girling type brakes. I don't know if any of you are familiar, I remember my
> 81 Vanagon had them. I was trying to remove the pins to replace the pads.
> The passenger side no problem, the drivers side the bottom just wouldn't
> come out. I tried heat, liquid wrench and kept trying and then I realized
> that the corner of metal that the whole that the pin slid through cracked
> and fell off. Here is the question. My daughter doesn't have the money to
> take this to a mechanic. She only paid $500 for the car. I rightfully should
> replace the caliper, but it looks tougher then what I want to do with it
> being Winter with an unheated garage and then trying to bleed the brakes
> with old rusty bleeders that I have had snapped off other times I have
> attempted on other old cars.  So I was thinking of putting JB weld on it to
> hold
>  it in place and drive it to someone that can weld it. Do you guys think
> that would be safe and would I cause more damage.
> Thanks
> Dave
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