[Vwdiesel] 01 Golf TDi TURBO issues

Rolf Pechukas rbp at 4u2bu.org
Mon Jul 5 09:01:09 PDT 2010

> What about the actual vacuum actuator for the turbo. I had the same issue with VW dealer not putting the tube on correctly as well. If it is trying to pump the air and it is not getting to the engine, i spins unabated ... if you had a weak actuator to begin with you might have finished it off. you can even test it very easy.... just use a hand vacuum pump and disconnect the vacuum line from the top (disconnect from the VNT-75 actuator). you dont even have to put the car up. If everything is good when you pull the vacuum the gauge will stay... any problems and you will loose vacuum quickly ... quick and simple test. If that is the problem IDparts.com has an actuator for something like $75-$85 if memory serves me correct. 
> John Wardigo

thanks John
if you mean the 'waste gate actuator', my shop replaced that already
they charged me $200 for the part and another $200 to put it in
didn't have time to get the part cheap online, but they were 'sure' this would solve my problem (actuator WAS rusted, and apparently seized)
but this did NOT solve the problem

I've been stewing on this overnight, and it seems to me that any sandy air that's drawn in an unfiltered intake would go directly into the cylinder for combustion and then be ejected to the turbo
correct me if I'm wrong, please, but I'm thinking turbo damage more likely from unfiltered intake than cam/lifter/valve head stuff

and indeed the actuator was clearly busted up
but doesn't mean that was the only part getting 'sandblasted' that has now failed

thoughts? thanks
Rolf in MA

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