[Vwdiesel] More Quantum Questions?

William J Toensing toensing at wildblue.net
Tue Jul 13 22:17:32 PDT 2010

The saga of my '82 Quantum TD continues. Today it started easily & ran fine after coasting down a small hill. However, it still won't start using the starter. I suspect it may be a matter of timming. Correct me if wrong but as I recall, you advance timming by moving the IP towards the engine & retard it by moving the IP away from the engine. Would you suggest I first try retarding or advancing the IP?
In timming it, I set the engine at TDC per mark on the flywheel, the cam locking bar tool in place. I had previously checked to see if the timming mark was correct by removing the # 1 injector & inserting a small screwdriver in the hole to confirm the flywheel marking was correct with the # 1 or forward piston at TDC. The IP was locked in place with the round tool in place, then removed both the cam lock bar & IP lock rotating the engine contra-clockwise, inserting the gage in the back of the IP, then rotating the engine clockwise till the flywheel was at TDC, then with the cam lock & IP lock in place, moved the IP contra-clockwise till I got a 100 mm reading on the gage, or a one complete circle on the gage.
Am I doing something wrong?
Bill Toensing, Nevada City, CA

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