[Vwdiesel] '01 Golf fender bender

Matt Alkire matt_lisa at sprynet.com
Sun Jul 18 09:07:02 PDT 2010

Hey Rolf, you should put a WTB in the VW Vortex classifieds.  People are constantly parting out their Golfs/Jettas out there, plus people like to upgrade to the R32 Bumper stuff in which case they have stock stuff to sell.  Just look in the Golf IV/Jetta IV parts classifieds.


On Jul 18, 2010, at 8:48 AM, Rolf Pechukas wrote:

>> I think it would be more helpful if you would close with your location with city & state or province. If someone was or knew of an A-4 being parted out with a good front end that was in a couple hundred miles of you it would make sense to buy it but if it is on the other side of the country from where you live, it wouldn't be practical to get the front clip, even it was free.
>> Bill Toensing, Nevada City, CA
> thanks Bill
> I am in Massachusetts - I commute from one end (near NY) to the other (near France)
> anywhere from NJ to Maine would be reachable for me
> again, '01 Golf (A4) - needs front bumper assembly, grille, and latch mechanism
> thanks!
> Rolf in MA
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