[Vwdiesel] My very own Gulf of Mexico

William A. Thompson twogreek at cedarcomm.com
Tue Jul 20 02:55:27 PDT 2010

I've seen two separate similar demonstrations of wetting agents (surface 
tension reducers) for the purposes of fire fighting. The lower the surface 
tension the better the soaking in and the better to put a fire out in 
certain situations. Also true for cleaning purposed but not necessarily for 
tough cleaning problems where solvents are more effective in dissolving or 
breaking down the contaminant.

Dawn was at the top of the lists for wetting and is somewhat of a solvent. 
There are better wetting agents but they are much more expensive and 
solvents are a no-no (as was recently indicated) as far as splashing it 
around the environment..

    ... Bill

From: "Jim Arnott" <jrasite at eoni.com>
Sent: Sunday, July 18, 2010 4:15 PM
To: <LBaird119 at aol.com>
Cc: <vwdiesel at audifans.com>
Subject: Re: [Vwdiesel] My very own Gulf of Mexico

> On Jul 18, 2010, at 2:36 PM, LBaird119 at aol.com wrote:
>> In a message dated 7/18/2010 5:12:00 AM Pacific Daylight Time,
>> bobdownes at gmail.com writes:
>>> oh, and i've also discovered recently(thanks to reporting on the gulf
>>> disaster) that dawn dish soap(Dawn specifically) is the best 'safe'
>>> soap
>>> available for cleaning petroleum products, though i haven't had the
>>> chance
>>> to try it on a driveway. it's apparently the only soap that the
>>> cleanup
>>> workers bother with, and P&G is donating truckloads of the stuff
>>> all over
>>> the place.
>>  I've wondered if it's THAT much better or if their PR firm is just
>> THAT much better...  ;-)
> Years and years ago, I was visiting the Reuben Fleet Science Center in
> Balboa Park and they had a professional bubble blower demonstrating
> surface tension stuff.  I asked.  Professional bubble blowers use Dawn
> at 40:1.  No other dishwashing liquid comes close.  I've been using it
> since that encounter.  The pros know.
> Jim
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