[Vwdiesel] sound insulation

Roger Brown r.c.brown at ieee.org
Thu Jun 3 11:20:01 PDT 2010

peter blake wrote:
>   Hi all,
> I happen to have the door card off my caddy and as noise is one of  the
> major drawbacks of these vehicles for me I thot maybe I could put in some
> sort of sound insulation on the back of the door skin. I've heard of dynamat
> has anyone used this stuff?  Or any other stuff that might help?  Let me
> know what u'v done and what works. Thanks.
> Peter

On my old '81, I used some sound insulating mat (foam w/ heavy rubber center layer) from 
the auto parts store on the door sheet metal.  It seemed to work OK.  Have heard good 
things about Dynamat, no personal experience, but it is more expensive.



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