[Vwdiesel] (no subject)

LBaird119 at aol.com LBaird119 at aol.com
Thu Jun 3 13:07:14 PDT 2010

  Most people tend to slather Dynamat around like a traditional 
insulation, which will work, but as I understand it, the original 
intent is to put a piece here and there, to break up the harmonic 
vibrations, to stop sound transmission.  It's a high density product 
that really doesn't seem it would work well to "muffle" sound.
  By changing the vibration characteristic of the metal, vibration 
transmission should REALLY drop since it'll hit a padde area, and 
the wave can't travel anymore.  Just like SS kitchen sinks.  On 
some of them anyway, they went from an overall coating to a 3x3 
pad of dense material.  Thump one of those sinks and they sound 
as dead as the coated ones.

  On my 914 I pulled the door panels and put a layer of about 3/8 
carpet padding behind it and put it back on.  Geez!  Shut the doors 
and it had that new car sound to it!  :-D  There's now a closed cell, 
polyester I believe, padding that would be perfect for cars.  It won't 
soak up water, cuts well, is fairly dense but not heavy and shouldn't 
deteriorate from moisture, heat or sunlight, like most padding does.
I kept an end of a roll just for doing my daughter's truck.

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