[Vwdiesel] VW Diesel headgasket

LBaird119 at aol.com LBaird119 at aol.com
Fri Jun 11 08:47:02 PDT 2010

  Used to be anyway... They made 1.6 with 11mm bolts and 1.6 with 
12mm bolts.  Yours should be 11mm bolt.
  It's entirely possible the engine's been changed at some point in 
the last 29 years.  As you look, under the hood, count your 
injectors from left to right.  Roughly, under the #3 injector is a 
flat spot on the side of the block, about 3/8" wide and an inch 
and a half or so long.  There will be a couple stamped letters 
and some numbers.  Post the letters and we can tell you for 
sure which engine is in it.

In a message dated 6/10/2010 9:21:19 PM Pacific Daylight Time, 
petersenrudy at hotmail.com writes:

> A 1.6l, 1, 2, or 3 Head Gasket
> >Date: Thu, 10 Jun 2010 21:53:51 -0600
> >From: ub3ratl4sf00 at gmail.com
> >To: vwdiesel at vwfans.com
> >Subject: [Vwdiesel] VW Diesel headgasket
> >
> >Need a headgasket for a 1981 VW Rabbit diesel, not sure what 
> engine.....I'm
> >not sure what they offered for this year

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