[Vwdiesel] radiator hose

Will Taygan william at taygan.com
Mon Jun 14 09:07:03 PDT 2010

Here's a coil of it for $10:


Will in Alaska.

On Sun, 2010-06-13 at 20:11 -0400, Craig Osborn wrote:
> My 81 PU just sprung a leak.  The small diameter return hose that runs from
> the top of the radiator to the top port on the expansion tank burst where it
> has been rubbing against another hose.  This hose was probably the original
> hose as it was a braided hose originally, although the cloth braided
> covering only remained on a few inches of the hose nearest the expansion
> tank.  
> I would like to replace this hose with one like the original style braided
> hose.  Can anyone point me to a source for this hose?
> Craig 
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