[Vwdiesel] Damaged Headbolt threads

James Hansen jhsg at sasktel.net
Tue Jun 22 22:12:35 PDT 2010

Well, that sucks.
Isn't this an 11mm stud older motor Stephen?
If so, should NOT have the 90 degree turn. That's for the 12mm torque to
yield bolts.
The older ones are not torque to yield, they do not stretch at the correct
clamping force.
The 11mm are supposed to get 3 steps at 37, 52, 66 ftlb
Re-read Eric's post.

And yes, if it is only the threads that have failed, and pulled out of the
block, a helicoil should work fine.  Examine VERY closely for block cracks-
as the threads stretch their way out of the hole, it expands the hole enough
to crack the bolt wall to the exterior, much like a hydraulic fracture of a
blind hole.

Whatever it is, apart it comes again.

> -----Original Message-----
> From: vwdiesel-bounces at vwfans.com [mailto:vwdiesel-bounces at vwfans.com]
> On Behalf Of Stephen Kraus
> Sent: Tuesday, June 22, 2010 10:24 PM
> To: vw fans
> Subject: [Vwdiesel] Damaged Headbolt threads
> Got the Rabbit RUNNING! Wooh!....but then went for the final 90 degree
> turn
> before I put the valve cover on....all of them torqued good EXCEPT the
> 10th
> one....it cracked the threads :( Can I helacoil it? What can I do to
> repair
> it? It didn't damage the headbolt. SO CLOSE!
> --
> ______________________________
> Stephen Kraus
> UB3RATL4Sf00 at gmail.com;
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