[Vwdiesel] [VW-TDI] Re: *help! bucking & smoking* - UPDATE

Tad tadc at europa.com
Sun Mar 28 11:54:47 PDT 2010

Great to hear you made it home Rolf.  Not much worse than being stranded
hours from home with a broken car!

Definitely file a BBB complaint against that shop if they won't work with
you - there's a web form you can fill out and it's surprisingly easy.

On Sun, Mar 28, 2010 at 11:01 AM, Rolf Pechukas <rbp at 4u2bu.org> wrote:

> well, turns out Brian, Paul, and Tad were right:
> > But really it sounds exactly like the issue I had when I blew a turbo
> intake
> > connection near the aftercooler (behind/below the passenger side
> headlamp)
> > Very little power and under any load it would just pour black smoke out.
> > imho,
> > BrianG
> > Sounds like some of the turbo piping wasn't replaced properly. Either
> that
> > or a vacuum hose.
> > Paul L Fisher
> > Guys - if it were me I'd still take a look at the turbo hoses first.
> > My reasoning is thus- if the boost charge was leaking out, the ECU would
> be
> > delivering fuel based on the MAF reading (too much fuel, lots of smoke).
> > *If you pull the MAF, it will default (if I'm not mistaken) to the MAP
> > reading, which would actually be accurate (no pressure) so it wouldn't
> > inject so much fuel.
> > *In other words it would look like pulling the MAF fixed the issue, but
> > really it would just mask the symptoms.
> > Tad
> unplugging MAF per James' suggestion DID improve running dramatically, and
> was almost certainly better for the car
> but it seems, after all, that MAF was working correctly
> upon checking turbo connections per above suggestions, found hard plastic
> intake pipe disconnected from hose behind pass side headlight
> shop had neglected to replace spring clamp - intake pipe blew off, if it
> was ever reconnected, and was rubbing up against serpentine pulley for a
> good 30 miles
> my son and I managed to wrestle the pipe back into the hose, and 'clamp' it
> by tying twine around hard pipe and side frame (too tight & no tools to get
> clamp on w/ only one hand)
> MAF is plugged back in, and car running ~normally
> I drove in to Boston last nite to teach; pipe blew off once during hard
> accel - got dirty tying it back on, but no big deal
> tomorrow I will head back to Cape and make shop reconnect hose properly
> but in addition to failing to reassemble the turbo connections, here's what
> else the shop did wrong:
> - they insisted that nothing they did in replacing the alt could *possibly*
> have caused such poor running;
> - they told me that the that the ECU needed to 're-learn' itself, and that
> I should drive it for 30 miles, HARD (thankfully, I ignored the 'hard'
> part);
> - they damaged my side mirror towing it to their own shop, and refused to
> take responsibility for that
> AVOID these guys at all costs if you are ever in Eastham, MA:
> Nickerson Service Center
> also Tad's email below:
> > Rolf - I just took a look at my own Golf to try to figure out what went
> wrong here, and I think I have a good theory.
> >
> > The disconnected hose you're looking is at the top of the intercooler,
> where to hose to the intake connects.  I bet what happened is that they had
> it on there, but not clamped properly (and as you can see it's a pain to get
> to), and it probably popped off the first time the car developed some boost.
>  That likely pushed the hard pipe over into the pulley.
> >
> > So you've basically been pulling unfiltered air into the engine since
> then, and the turbo has been spraying oily air all over the place from the
> top of the intercooler.  That's probably normal - it's normal for the intake
> tract to be coasted with oily residue, which originates from the valve cover
> and enters the intake tract via the CCV (crankcase vent)- that hockey-puck
> looking thing at the top of the engine.
> >
> > The unfiltered air isn't a good thing, but you're probably fine - just
> get the oil changed soon to get all that dirt out of there.
> >
> > If you can get that hose back on (and get it to stay on), and assuming
> the rubbing pipe isn't leaking (and it's not rubbing anymore), you're
> probably fine to drive back to Boston.  Those hose clamps are a pain and
> there are special tools made for dealing with them, but if you can get a set
> of vice grips onto the clamp that might hold it open well enough to get the
> hose back on.  Also you can remove the back cover of the headlight to give
> yourself more space(that big wire retainer kinda pivots off to the side).
> >
> > If the hard pipe is leaking, you might be able to use duct tape for a
> temp fix.
> >
> > Not sure what's up with the blue wire/hose... but it looks like it's
> capped off?
> >
> > The boxy thing I think is your power steering reservoir.
> >
> > As for how to deal with these guys... assuming you're not going back
> there, at least you've got photo evidence.  Maybe send them the pics and
> explain how they obviously just didn't get the hose on right, it popped off,
> clearly a rookie mistake, anybody could do it but in this case it happened
> on their watch and it's their responsibility, and see what they say.  If
> they blow you off, you'd probably have to file a small-claims suit to get
> anything out of them.  Maybe file a BBB complaint first and see what
> happens.
> >
> > Good luck with the car!
> >
> >
> >> On Sat, Mar 27, 2010 at 11:16 AM, Rolf Pechukas <rbp at 4u2bu.org> wrote:
> >>
> >> you can see below the headlight housing
> >> the tube is completely out of the hose
> >> the clamp ring is still around the plastic tube rather than around the
> rubber hose
> >> you can hear turbo noise wheeezhing up and down w/ RPM
> >> not to mention the pulley rubbing on the tube
> >>
> >> immediate question:
> >> if I can get the tube back in the hose and the clamp ring back on with
> my one left hand (right arm in a sling), and if MAF sensor plugged back in
> runs well, am I good to drive 2 hrs to Bioston tonight?
> >> what about leaking turbo lube, or whatever the thin black graphite-y oil
> is?
> >> any danger of burning anything up??
> >>
> >> (man, these guys really screwed me)
> >>
> >> thanks for any feedback,
> >>
> >> Rolf in MA
> thanks again for all the help, guys
> I'd still be scratching my head if it weren't for you all
> peace!!
> - Rolf
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