[Vwdiesel] 1978 VW camper rear brake drum plugs

travis gottschalk tgott at hotmail.com
Wed May 12 13:24:27 PDT 2010

Does any one know where I can get the rubber plugs for a 1978 VW camper rear brake drums. A friend of mine had the left rear brake freeze up in this cold weather and I got looking and saw both sides are missing the plugs to help keep the water and dirt out. 

On another topic, my brothers oil pressure gauge line broke. It was the manual not the electric oil pressure gauge. So he didn't notice the blood trail behind him till he pulled in his shop coming home from work. I told him to drain the rest of the oil out to see what he had left and not to start it. It might have had a quarter of a quart in it. It was running fine going to the final spot. I told him to take a few of the main bearings off to check for damage there as the is the first problem on a CAT engine on oil starvation is a main bearing getting spun. What else should he look at. He would rather replace and check what is needed then put a hole in the block from a spun main bearing or another component. Anyone else run one of these out of oil. It is a 1980 VW truck with the newer 12 MM head bolt 1.6NA engine. 
Travis Gottschalk
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