[Vwdiesel] Wet floor and clutch

travis gottschalk tgott at hotmail.com
Tue May 25 20:22:11 PDT 2010

Thanks Loren for the numbers. As for the sealing I won't seal the inside leaks as I know it is pooling in the body panels some as the cancer rust bubble that has formed behind the seat tells me. As far as paint I am not to worried about painting it any time soon as it will need some major work for all the minor dents and deep scratches. Not to say I won't in a few years but I just want the leaks sealed for now. I don't know of many body shops in my area but I will do some searching for the correct sealant if possible and it will only be applied to the cracks I can see outside and nothing on the inside until the day comes where I drop it off at a body place to actually get done (a few years yet for sure). 

With the clutch thing Roger made a good point on the way the flywheel raps around the clutch. Unless you have lightened it it won't reach enough of the disk area to matter. Then there is the chance you take with the 3 seals in that area. You have the clutch push rod seal, the input shaft seal and the crank seal that all won't like brake solvents on them. My brother told me the trick of using starting fluid as a solvent when it could touch any rubber as it is designed to not ruin rubber. Just don't have a spark near it. 

Travis G
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