[Vwdiesel] Fw: Cooling system flushing

Tad tadc at europa.com
Tue Nov 16 13:18:38 PST 2010


Of course the ever-helpful VW website has stopped providing maintenance
schedule information, but as I recall the last time I looked, coolant change
was not mentioned at all (other than the "lifetime" reference).

A web search mostly finds recommendations to change the coolant from sites
that want to sell you new coolant.

Also, how would one change the coolant without first flushing the old
coolant?  Or do you mean just drain-and-fill, which would leave much of the
old coolant in place?

On Mon, Nov 15, 2010 at 11:45 PM, Arkady Mirvis <arkadymirvis at gmail.com>wrote:

> Accoirding to manufacturer's instructions coolant must be changed every 2
> years. During this period the engine metal is protected by the coolant
> additives. Regular coolant change will prevent corrosion and when drained
> will take with it impurities. Flushing never will be needed.
> My german mentor Andreas Hagedorn Maximilian Gerold ( inspector at MB ) who
> does engines rebuild and is an excellent tuner, did show me aluminum engine
> heads with no corrosion visible in engines over 10 years old. All to good
> maintenance.
> ----- Original Message -----
> From: "Tad" <tadc at europa.com>
> To: "Rudy" <petersenrudy at hotmail.com>
> Cc: <vwdiesel at vwfans.com>
> Sent: Monday, November 15, 2010 10:32 PM
> Subject: Re: [Vwdiesel] Cooling system flushing
> > I've never heard of using anything but plain water for the job.
> > Considering
> > that the "stuff" you want to flush is likely corrosion products of
> > iron/aluminum, I wouldn't expect a grease cutter to do much good... but I
> > guess a detergent would help to suspend the particles so the water can
> > flush
> > them out, but I'd be concerned about the residue interacting with the new
> > coolant... but  then what do I know?
> >
> > On that subject (and sorry if this is a thread hijack), but I often
> wonder
> > about the "lifetime" coolant (G12) in my 01 TDI.  Just how long is a
> > "lifetime" anyway?  I know that some portion of the coolant (and
> therefore
> > additives) have been renewed when for example my T-belt was changed, but
> > my
> > car has never had it's coolant fully flushed/exchanged in it's lifetime.
> > I've heard some people recommend 100k, but I doubt that's based on any
> > real-world evidence.
> >
> > I just did a bit of googling on the subject and found one guy saying that
> > the main concern is buildup of acid in the coolant, and all you need to
> do
> > is test the PH and adjust (with BG Cooling System Conditioner according
> to
> > him).
> >
> > On Mon, Nov 15, 2010 at 1:43 PM, Rudy <petersenrudy at hotmail.com> wrote:
> >
> >> Anyone have any Tricks or ideas on what is the best detergent for the
> >> job?
> >> Think it would be ok to use a heavy duty, mix with water, Grease cutter?
> >>
> >> Rudy
> >>
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