[Vwdiesel] Yellow dot pumps and associated stuff.

Tony and Lillie tonyandlillie1 at earthlink.net
Thu Nov 18 10:26:00 PST 2010

When I took my 79 1.5 apart with the yellow dot pump, it had 130 bar 
injectors on it. I don't know for sure they weren't replaced at some point 
along the way, but by the looks of them and the engine, I have my doubts.


----- Original Message ----- 
Subject: Re: [Vwdiesel] Yellow dot pumps and associated stuff.
>  Don't have an early Bently but I do have the '85 only one.  Great
> book for A2 differences stuff.
>  I can't prove it but I believe the 180bar is bunk.  I've worked on
> several own one and owned another yellow dot pump Rabbits that
> I believe hadn't had any injector work done on them.  All tested
> at regular release pressure.  I never tested one (that worked)
> above the normal, TD pressure and those were all from TD cars.
> No high pressure injectors from a YD pump and never have seen a
> listing for them either.
>   Loren 

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