[Vwdiesel] Lift pump

travis gottschalk tgott at hotmail.com
Mon Nov 22 20:29:42 PST 2010

I don't even know what algae looks like growing in diesel. It is possibly but it looks like a thin layer of dust from 6 years of fuel and living in a dustier area of the world. TDIclub members told me that the brushes on the lift pump motor are likely failing and that is maybe the reason for the intermittent running of the pump. I did rig up a way to hot wire it with power for when the key is on if the pump doesn't fix the issue and I am half way across SD. Battery didn't show today as we had a major snow storm. I have the OEM original on a trickle charger and will be bringing a jump pack and jumper cables. My lift pump was shipped today but I don't know if the hood latch was. 
Travis G 

> Travis - just a couple of thoughts - could this "grime" you speak of be
> algae growing in your fuel?
> And re: the battery - assuming your 04 is similar to my 01, you can
> substitute a group 48 for the wacky OEM 97R or whatever it is, it fits just
> fine (a little less wide is all) has the same capacity, and a hell of a lot
> easier to find(and a little cheaper too IIRC).  In fact the 48 was spec'd
> for older B4 TDIs... no idea why they changed it.

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