[Vwdiesel] incessant whining

Tad tadc at europa.com
Wed Oct 20 12:07:45 PDT 2010

Could also be a crummy ground in the radio harness.

On Wed, Oct 20, 2010 at 11:13 AM, Sandy Cameron <scameron at storm.ca> wrote:

> At 01:05 AM 10/20/2010 -0500, you wrote:
> >In the alternator of the '00 TDI.  At least I think that's where the
> >whining is coming from, via the radio.  Very recently, if I have the
> >radio on, there's a whine through the speakers that varies with engine
> >speed.
> Almost sure to be due to deteriorating ground connections, or dirty
> connections in the + alternator output on its way to the battery +.
> Quick fix / diagnostic:  Connect a heavy #8 to #6 wire directly from the
> alternator case (CLEAN CONNECTION) to the negative battery clamp (Also
> clean
> the battery terminals)
> A direct connection from the alternator + to battery + (#6-8) might help
> too.
> A test that may work, connect the alternator directly to the battery  + to
> +, - to -  with a short pair of booster cables.  Bright clean metalic
> connections.
> When the whine disappears, you've found the path with the bad connections.
> Sandy
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