[Vwdiesel] Help! '04 TDI tensioner trouble
Shawn Wright
vwdiesels at gmail.com
Mon Oct 25 20:08:44 PDT 2010
I checked it tonight, and the tensioner was just past the correct range, so
I backed it off... a little too far... man, it's a lot hard to adjust when
things are back together! I finally got it done though, and went for a spin.
Seems to run fine. Not sure I really heard anything now, as all I can detect
is clatter and turbo whistle; belt seems quiet. Still need to run diesel
purge through and a few other little things. And sell the '85...
On Mon, Oct 25, 2010 at 12:02 PM, Shawn Wright <vwdiesels at gmail.com> wrote:
> Yes, I'd paid more attention to the guide (at myturbodiesel.com) I may
> have avoided some hassles. They have videos of the tensioner being adjusted
> which show how it works, but of course, I didn't watch these until after my
> first attempt failed. :-(
> I'm going to check it again, as I think I might have heard some singing on
> decel. Part of the problem is not knowing what is 'normal' sound for this
> engine - I drove it home 3 weeks ago and it's been on jackstands ever
> since... With any luck, I'll check it tonight and take a quick spin. No
> plates on the car yet, need to sell the old beast first.
> On Mon, Oct 25, 2010 at 11:55 AM, Bryan Belman <dieselwesty at yahoo.com>wrote:
>> I got my kit from IDParts and had LOTS of issues with the new style timing
>> belt
>> tensioner. Believe me. It is not who you get it from, but understanding
>> the
>> process involved to put the belt on. I was also told I should have left
>> the
>> belt roller, the thing below the tensioner, off, until last, that makes it
>> easier to get the belt on when you do not have the belt tensioner pre-set
>> or
>> pre-loaded with tension.
>> I should have warned you Shawn, they give you a pin as if you can
>> Pre-tension
>> the thing on the bench in a vise and once it is in place on the stud, your
>> belt
>> is on, you just pull the pin and "bing", all done.
>> Well, that is not how it went for me. Toss the pin, you can not
>> pre-tension the
>> thing on a bench.
>> you have to get it all on and then use a 6mm hex wrench or it should have
>> the 2
>> holes for the old fashion belt tensioner handle in order to turn the inner
>> base
>> and move the arrow to the tension range it needs to point to on the
>> backing
>> plate, it has a gap in it that you need to move the arrow up to. This
>> sets the
>> proper tension and it will move when you tighten down the nut, so go back
>> and
>> check it.
>> My belt would SING a very high pitched sing when de-accelerating using the
>> engine to brake, the belt, I am told, is too tight and that is why it
>> sings.
>> I just recently when back in and cranked the tension down, below the
>> recommended
>> tension range and so far I have not heard the belt Singing, but it would
>> not
>> happen all the time for some reason even though I would drive the car the
>> same
>> way??????
>> Bryan Belman, Pt. Pleasant, NJ
>> 04 Jetta Wagon TDI PD, 100hp, 5sp -- running :<)
>> 92 Jetta 1.6 Eco-Turbo Diesel, 5sp -- running :<)
>> 82 Diesel Westy 1.9NA -- running :<)
>> 70 Type 1 stock Beetle -- Running :-)
>> ________________________________
>> From: travis gottschalk <tgott at hotmail.com>
>> To: vwdiesel at vwfans.com
>> Sent: Mon, October 25, 2010 2:27:40 PM
>> Subject: Re: [Vwdiesel] Help! '04 TDI tensioner trouble
>> Who did you get the timing belt kit from. Does it also include the bolts
>> and
>> water pump. I bought my kit from Dieselgeek.com and didn't have any issue
>> and
>> they come highly recommended. idparts.com is another good place. Sounds
>> like you
>> got something from someone named Prothe.
>> > Installing the TB kit on my '04 Jetta, the new tensioner appears to be
>> > weaker than the original (both are Litens, but the original has a VW
>> part #)
>> > as follows:
>> >
>> > The material for centre hub is crap pot metal - the hex key is stripped
>> > after two attempts! OEM is much harder material.
>> >
>> > The metal tab which fits in slot just bends and pops out of the slot
>> when I
>> > try to tension to correct amount. I am keeping the 15mm nut snug as
>> possible
>> > while tensioning to keep it flat against engine, but the soft metal tab
>> arm
>> > just twists!
>> >
>> > I fear I have just ruined a new tensioner with very little effort. Am I
>> > doing something wrong? I'm following the guide for BEW engine at
>> > myturbodiesel.com
>> >
>> > Thanks
>> >
>> > --
>> > Shawn Wright
>> >
>> >
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>> >
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>> > End of Vwdiesel Digest, Vol 84, Issue 34
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> --
> Shawn Wright
Shawn Wright
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