[Vwdiesel] Spray-on headliner?

Shalyn Shourds sshourds at flash.net
Fri Sep 10 21:07:26 PDT 2010

  On 9/10/2010 10:55 PM, Matt Alkire wrote:
> If you still have the headliner cardboard, recovering it is pretty easy.  I did mine in about 2 days off and on.  Cost was around $40 for materials.
> -Matt
After recent weather and the unfortunate sunroof leaks in my TDI, I now 
have a total of three cars that could really use some headliner 
repairs.  Revives my dream of having a headliner patterned after Van 
Gogh's "Starry Night".   I'm clearly going to have to take the 
initiative.  If I can figure out how to mold carpet (already figured out 
how to make it moldy), I could also fulfill another long-time dream of 
mine: deep-pile shag.  Shoes off, please.

On a more serious note, anyone experimented with installing something 
like dynamat or some other sound-deadening insulating material when 
replacing carpet or headliner?


-85 Jetta TD
-00 Jetta TDI
-too much time to think

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