[Vwdiesel] Clutch slipping?

brian hoeft qweblog at gmail.com
Wed Sep 15 19:56:42 PDT 2010

The tests you describe in your first paragraph I dont see as very
definitive. What you mention happening gong up hill however does,
considering your possibly on an original disk. Otherwise, I would inquire
about your cable adjustment..

What model are we talking about here? if its an 020 tranny, you on your back
in a bench press like maneuver is the likely scenario.

BTDT dozens of times and its not bad for someone of average build. I've even
R&R'd one with a broken thumb. Clocking the diff over the subframe is what
can get people hung-up.. pun intended.


On Wed, Sep 15, 2010 at 10:33 PM, Bud <budski at gmail.com> wrote:

> I'm sure it is but it's really odd.  I've done the third gear test
> where I rev the engine a bit, let the clutch out slowly with the
> parking brake on and I stall the engine.  Can even stall it in reverse
> and 5th.
> Seems though when I'm going up hill the engine rpm increases when I
> give it more throttle but the car doesn't move any faster.
> Never dropped a tranny before, can I use just a regular floor jack?
> Make a wooden cradle?
> I've got 260k on the car, don't know if the previous owner did a
> clutch before.  I put 110k on it.
> Thanks,
> Bud
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