[Vwdiesel] Signs of worn cam syndrome

Bryan Belman dieselwesty at yahoo.com
Wed Sep 22 06:57:47 PDT 2010

Yes, Bill, that is what I think is making the TB sing at times.  It is a new 
spring loaded thing and it will get tighter and looser depending on that the 
motor is doing, Pressure on the belt does not stay constant like the IDI motor 
timing belt tensioners.  I just think I need to back off on the lock down 
position a bit.
finding the time to do this is the hardest point.
 Bryan Belman, Pt. Pleasant, NJ
04 Jetta Wagon TDI PD, 100hp, 5sp -- running :<)
92 Jetta 1.6 Eco-Turbo Diesel, 5sp -- running :<)
82 Diesel Westy 1.9NA -- running :<)
70 Type 1 stock Beetle -- Running :-> 

From: William J Toensing <toensing at wildblue.net>
To: vwdiesel at vwfans.com
Sent: Tue, September 21, 2010 5:51:14 PM
Subject: [Vwdiesel] Signs of worn cam syndrome

Brian Belman, did you replace your timming belt tensioner? Can't speak from 
experience with a TDI but have some experience with my 16 valve OHC Ford Focus 
which has a cam belt & is an interference engine. I had the TB replaced at 
80,000 miles. At that time, the TB still looked good BUT found the TB tensioner 
was on its last legs. I think the TDI has a similar layout. Several years ago, I 
saw a Focus for sale, 100,000 & a NEW engine. Called seller & found out, when TB 
was replaced, the TB trensioner was NOT replaced, seized about 7000 miles later 
braking the TB & trashing the engine. 

Moral: replace the TB & other belt tensioner anytime you replace a TB. My guess 
is that TDI VWs are similar to IDI VW diesels & Focus gassers.
Bill Toensing, Nevada City, CA
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