[Vwdiesel] Shifter boot?

travis gottschalk tgott at hotmail.com
Thu Sep 23 18:21:00 PDT 2010

You don't need to worry about that boot. You can replace it with a new one which is about $70-$80 for it but honestly I don't think I have seen one with one and all of my families rabbits are naked in that area. Granted We avoid salt but other things will likely rust away before that area. I think one thing it would help would prevent ice build up. I was driving up Mt St. Helens and only made it part way in March 08. The 4X4 in front of me was breaking trail and I was following and he turned around. I about couldn't shift from the snow and ice buildup. The exhaust normally melts that ice build up but I wasn't giving it that chance. Reverse and first were my only gears I could get for a bit. With a boot I might have been able to shift better but it likely would have just ripped off as well. That is the only shifting issue I have ever had with ice buildup. 
Travis G

> In my quest to get my old rustbucket of an 82 n/a Rabbit 2 door to pass
> inspection, I've spent a great deal of time under it.  I've discovered the
> boot normally surrounding the shifter mechanism is now simply dangling off
> of the main shiter control arm.  How critical is this boot, especially in an
> environment such as southern Pennsylvania?  Because mine is so ripped I
> doubt if I can get it back on to stay.
> Joe 		 	   		  

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