[Vwdiesel] Ways of cooling an AAZ

Pablo Moretti pmoretti at gmail.com
Fri Sep 24 08:10:22 PDT 2010

*Thanks Loren, if I take the thin line that takes water to the reservoir,
coolant is pushed in an intermittent way, should be like that? First of all
I think is necessary to reconnect the oil cooler. Where do I have to connect
it? To which tube?

On Fri, Sep 24, 2010 at 3:04 AM, <LBaird119 at aol.com> wrote:

>  As stated, first check for a solid stream of coolant in the small line to
> the
> reservoir.  Bubbles, spurts, steam are all bad signs of a blown head
> gasket.
>  If no bubbles then you want a good, solid stream of coolant coming back.
> If not, then you're looking at a circulation or flow rate issue, like
> clogged
> passages or a bad water pump, collapsing hose, etc.
>  Gotta analyze the system and see where the problem/s can be.  First is
> heat.
> Excess heat?  Bad injector, plugged intake, exhaust, intercooler not
> getting
>  cooling air, leaking head gasket.
> Transfer of heat?  Low coolant, poor circulation, restrictions, straight
> water,
>  thermostat, plugged heater or radiator.
> Elimination of heat?  Bad cooling fan, thermoswitch, fuse, etc.  Plugged
> radiator
> fins.
>  Check temp in the reservoir with a thermometer, check the radiator hoses
> and
> radiator once it's at full temp, check for proper circulation etc.  Follow
> the heat.
>     Loren
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