[Vwdiesel] Am I the only one?

Bud budski at gmail.com
Sun Apr 17 09:37:11 PDT 2011

I've been driving my 85 Golf NA for 11 years now.  In the last six
months I changed the clutch and re-sealed my IP.  It feels like a
sports car compared to the way it was running.

I don't have AC and it get's to be over 100 where I am (edge of the
Mojave desert).  Sure do miss the AC, but you can't have everything in

Have driven to Phoenix with it from LA and as far north as Monterey.
People give me the evil eye out here.  My joke is that I don't worry
about someone stealing it.  People leave money under my wipers for me,


I need to update my site with pics from my IP repair and clutch job.

This list has been awesome and a wealth of info!


On Sun, Apr 17, 2011 at 7:09 AM, Matt Alkire <matt_lisa at sprynet.com> wrote:
> I've been driving my Golf TDI for 10 years.  It is without a doubt, better than the Rabbit in every way.
> That said, the Rabbit is more fun to drive.  I can't daily it, as it doesn't go at a decent speed, doesn't have AC, doesn't have any safety features, etc etc.  I love my Rabbit, but at this point it's more of a toy than a car for me.  I really would love to restore it and use it during the winters down here in Florida.  It's a neat car!
> -Matt
> On Apr 17, 2011, at 9:56 AM, Just Joe wrote:
>> I think we've reached a point in America where car ownership is more of a
>> fashion statement than anything else.  My ex chose her last car (an Accord)
>> solely because of it's specific shade of red.  People just don't keep cars
>> anymore.  Sure, if you live in the salt belt and drive regularly in the
>> winter, your car won't last more than 10 years before it starts rusting away
>> but it's not just that.  Now that all cars have air bags, any time you're in
>> an accident (no matter how minor) and the bags are tripped, most insurance
>> companies will total the car right then and there.  Combine this with the
>> fact that all cars have at least 27 computers in them anymore (read,
>> electrical nightmares as they age) you practically have to be an computer
>> engineer to maintain them.  Modern auto "technicians" can only read codes
>> and replace parts.  If that doesn't fix the problem, it's "unfixable".  And
>> when certain repairs like catalytic converter replacements can cost over
>> $2000.00 (Toyota Tacoma) just to meet PA inspections, it becomes easier to
>> just trade your problems away.  Having a perpetual car payment is as
>> American as apple pie, right?
>> Having said all that, I still get a kick out of driving my old 82
>> BattleRabbit.  It's ugly, rusty, smelly, slow and for some stupid reason the
>> kids think it's cool to drive an old MK1.  I just shrug my shoulders and
>> keep driving...
>> Joe
>> -----Original Message-----
>> From: vwdiesel-bounces at vwfans.com [mailto:vwdiesel-bounces at vwfans.com] On
>> Behalf Of Shalyn Shourds
>> Sent: Sunday, April 17, 2011 1:36 AM
>> To: Vwdiesel
>> Subject: [Vwdiesel] Am I the only one?
>> I've been driving my '85 TD Jetta lately while I iron out some issues with
>> my '00.  I drive daily through a huge metropolitan area.  It occurred to me
>> that I can go for days and not see a car even ten years younger than mine.
>> The rest of y'all share the experience of being alone out there?
>> I'd forgotten how much I like driving that old car.  If I could get the same
>> mileage as my TDI and, maybe, have airbags, I'd pretty well park the newer
>> car.  Both cars just had a full suspension rebuild and the 85 (Wolfsberg)
>> drives so much better.
>> -Shalyn
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