[Vwdiesel] Caddy Exhaust

LBaird119 at aol.com LBaird119 at aol.com
Tue Aug 2 09:33:03 PDT 2011

In a message dated 8/2/2011 5:08:07 A.M. Pacific Daylight Time,  
db53248 at windstream.net writes:

How do  you get a custom exhaust bent for a Caddy. I have a pipe that is
flanged to  the turbo downpipe and then u-bolted to the muffler. On the back
side of  the muffler there used to be a tailpipe that ended just past the
rear  axle.  The tailpipe has rotted off and the muffler has small holes,  
like to replace the whole system but it is non-stock. Will any muffler  
custom bend an exhaust system if they have most of the existing  system to
use for a pattern? It seems like I've run into problems over  non-stock
systems in the past but the diesel Caddy is a pre-emission  control vehicle.

If you want the best performance from it.  Have them start at  the turbo, 
put in a flex, 
ball and socket or something, somewhere between the steering rack and  
shifter, and 
go 2 1/2" all the way.  Most shops can do this from scratch, no  problem.  
Try and find 
one that will use a heavier gauge metal rather than just the cheapest they  
can.  We 
have a local shop that's great.  :-)

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