[Vwdiesel] Injectors?

LBaird119 at aol.com LBaird119 at aol.com
Sun Dec 4 17:13:23 PST 2011

In a message dated 12/4/2011 7:19:46 A.M. Pacific Standard Time,  
libbybapa at gmail.com writes:

You will  need a new crank sprocket bolt as they are torque-to-yield and 
single use and  IMO risking failure and engine destruction for a $2 bolt is 

That's year dependant though isn't it?  Started sometime in the  A2 run?  
Not sure just 
when though.  I was thinking it's when they went from a keyway to a  notch, 
to locate the 
crank sprocket.
  Anybody know exactly when they went to a stretch bolt there?

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