[Vwdiesel] stick stuck in cylinder

Chris Geiser cfgeiser at gmail.com
Thu Dec 8 08:40:26 PST 2011

Love the technical terminology "bonk" and "mush"  :)
I'm pretty sure they use those in the factory manuals!

On Dec 8, 2011 10:33 AM, "James Hansen" <jhsg at sasktel.net> wrote:

> I would advocate trying to bonk it flat repeatedly, not with one big whack,
> but through many smaller events trying to mash it up.
> Even flattened, there really isn't enough space in there for a chopstick on
> the flat to go through a full crank rotation.... and something has to wind
> up giving up, and wood is pretty damn tough.  It won't pound up to mush,
> but
> I'm pretty sure if you bonk it enough, it will get to be smaller that you
> can blow out with a blow gun and lots of air.
> -james
> -----Original Message-----
> From: vwdiesel-bounces at vwfans.com [mailto:vwdiesel-bounces at vwfans.com] On
> Behalf Of LBaird119 at aol.com
> Sent: December-08-11 10:13 AM
> To: vwdiesel at vwfans.com
> Subject: Re: [Vwdiesel] stick stuck in cylinder
> In a message dated 12/7/2011 7:46:09 P.M. Pacific Standard Time,
> jjhoehl at hotmail.com writes:
> Hi Guys,  We tried the shop vac again, hoping the piece has gotten smaller
> since we  tried burning it.  It's still in there.  Do you guys think
> smashing  it, by really turning the crank hard, would hurt the engine at
> all?  With
>  the cam out, the engine locks-up solid. Jon
> Well, I've yet to see anything other than open valves damaged, when  a
> timing belt breaks
> at running speed...  Wouldn't expect a stick to bend a rod at hand
> cranking speeds, tapping
> it into the head.  Have seen rods bent on trying to tow start a
> hydraulic'd Ford 6 though.
>    Loren
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