[Vwdiesel] Losing Prime

Andrew .Libby libbybapa at gmail.com
Thu Dec 8 10:23:06 PST 2011

As I said, I swapped the pump and it no longer lost prime.  I replaced the
first pump and it happens again.  That would seem to me to eliminate issues
with anything external to the pump except possibly the banjo washers which
were all replaced with new washers and were torqued well.  The seats on the
pump look good too.  Are there any locations on the pump itself, other than
the inlet banjo washers and the main shaft seal, that are under inlet
pressure/vacuum instead of internal pressure?  I'm thinking the outer
timing piston cover and possibly the top pressure regulator o-ring...


On Thu, Dec 8, 2011 at 10:58 AM, <LBaird119 at aol.com> wrote:

> In a message dated 12/8/2011 9:02:17 A.M. Pacific Standard Time,
> libbybapa at gmail.com writes:
> Are  there any other
> locations that might let air in without leaking diesel fuel  out when
> running?  Any other thoughts?
> Lots and my Rabbit had all of them at one time!
>  The fuel return hose gets weepy with old age (the bigger, to the
> tank one).  The small lines can leak, especially at the injector
> nipples, if it's vacuum hose instead of the yellow stripe stuff.
> Injector nipples can get bumped and crack or simply leak where
> pressed in.  Banjo bolts can leak a little if not tight, dirt,  etc.
> ANY hose to tube fitting can loosen up over time as the hose ages.
> Don't forget return line to tank fittings if all else failis.
>  Leaks will generally leak air before they leak any fuel but USUALLY
> will be slightly dampened at least.  Clean any suspect areas with some
> aerosol brake cleaner then run a bit.
>    Loren
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