[Vwdiesel] Engine refresher: Thoughts?

LBaird119 at aol.com LBaird119 at aol.com
Mon Dec 12 22:13:45 PST 2011

In a message dated 12/12/2011 2:01:28 P.M. Pacific Standard Time,  
ub3ratl4sf00 at gmail.com writes:

I am  planning to replace a slightly warped connecting rod, replace  all
connecting rod bearings, installing oversize piston rings  (getting
excessive blowby with the new OEM rings I installed last rebuild)  and
might reduce the headgasket size from 2 notch to one. Also new  Bosch
glow plugs and a new timing belt.

Anything else I should  cover?

Curious how you know you have a bent rod before tearing it  down?
I tried the oversize rings once.  It burned more oil than  before.  Mic the 
bores.  If they're out of spec (and there's not much room between new  and 
worn) then you need to rebore or sleeve as Hayden suggested.  You're  
your time away to do otherwise.  If you want to really knock down the  
blowby and 
spend a bit more than you would for Goetze rings, get a set of Total  Seal. 
cuts the blowby down and more power too.  No way I'd go with a thinner  
unless measurements call for one.
  Injectors are usually due around 100K so if they're originals,  you're 
REALLY losing 
power and economy there!
  Still need to do mine.  They've needed it since I got the car  at 77K.  
It now has 
136K.  :-P

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