[Vwdiesel] BEW timing belt interval

Travis Gottschalk tgott at hotmail.com
Mon Dec 12 23:50:29 PST 2011

Well after doing some asking and looking online there is one vender that swears there was a thing sent from VW about the BEW timing belt changing to 80K miles but he can't find it and it has been a couple weeks since I have asked that vender along with others. There was one person that mentioned his OEM belt failed at 60K miles but everyone seems to think he is the exception to the rule. There were several others that have changed many PD engine's belts at the 100K mark with no indication of anything going bad. The book does say inspect at 80K but likely to cover VW's but if one does fail at that mark or after. Most everyone does agree on the 5 year time frame though. I think I even read while searching that Gates has a 6 year limite on what they say is best. I don't think I will hit 100K in 5 years but even if I did I think I might sleep better doing the belt at 95 or so. Belt is cheap-engine isn't. I just wanted to update the findings for everyone. 
Travis G 		 	   		  

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