[Vwdiesel] the core of the Problem?

Roger Brown r.c.brown at ieee.org
Fri Dec 16 17:14:43 PST 2011

I'm not sure if the A1s have that setup in the heater box.  I've never run into that 
problem or needed to replace that foam on any of the A1s I have owned and the last two 
have had 250K+ miles on them.  I have heard that is a common issue on the A2s, though.

On 12/16/2011 1:53 PM, mikitka wrote:
> Sounds like the foam on the divider door is gone.  It happened to my 91
> jetta diesel. The divider door has holes in it so it will not separate the
> air and allows the cold air to mix with the heat off the heater core.  I
> took my duct work apart and was able to put new foam on the divider door
> without taking it completely apart and now I have comfy heat, before it
> would barely blow warm air.
> Here is a good site for information on the heater door.
> http://forums.vwvortex.com/showthread.php?4394156
> Nick
> My guess would be either a too cool thermostat or a stuck open t-stat.  Or
> try back
> flushing the heater core (insert garden hose into the return line and run
> water out the
> inlet line) and make sure the heater valve is opening fully with the dash
> control.
> On 12/16/2011 9:22 AM, Brian and Ruth Decker wrote:
>> Hi Folks;
>>                   I have an 1981 diesel Rabbit pickup and the heater and
>> defrosting system works well even when it is cold. I have a 1981 gas
> Rabbit
>> pickup and a 1983 GTI the throw  some heat when the temperature is above
> 50
>> or so but are pretty useless below freezing. Does anyone have a magic
>> solution Perhaps a new heater core is the solution. If so where would one
>> find one.
>> Brian Decker
>> Western Washington



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