[Vwdiesel] Rabibit

Travis Gottschalk tgott at hotmail.com
Wed Feb 2 10:43:50 PST 2011

I think you would be amazed at what you can in fact run for an engine. If the block was cleaned up so as any burs weren't hitting the pistons and they were lower then the rings you could still run it. Rand worse looking cylinders. You can also shave a little bit off the crank if you are carefull and it isn't much (weight off balance issue). If you equally shave the opposite side you would be fine. After restoring tractors and building pulling tractors we had on puller that had a notch in the piston and the cylinder on the top and the bottom to get the rods past on the top and bottom (two cylinder engine). Also had to notch out the flywheel side of the piston and cylinder for the cam gear to clear since we put such monster pistons in there. And the cam gear had to be shaved to half the width and the cam had to have it thinned out where the crank through by. The crank and rod caps had to be shaved to get it to clear the cam and the tranny gears.  Also have to cut into the governor case to get the crank to throw by. 

Also had an engine that had very large and deep pits into the cylinder walls (you could stick your little finger in them). Once the pistons were pressed out we sand blasted the rings and pistons and honed the cylinder and ran the same parts in there. Just as long as there is no high spots and enough to seal the compression in (I realize it is more important with a diesel then an old gas tractor). but you can make things work on the cheap if needed. Just make sure there isn't any cracks in anything. 

Travis G

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