[Vwdiesel] Starting?

LBaird119 at aol.com LBaird119 at aol.com
Mon Feb 21 17:20:24 PST 2011

In a message dated 2/21/2011 4:06:00 PM Pacific Standard Time, 
budski at gmail.com writes:

> Yep, took it out and brought it to a local rebuilder.  He said he'll
> have it rebuilt by tomorrow for $60.  Cheaper than the Oreilly's part.

  Generally, if it's only $20 to @30 more for a rebuilt starter than 
a rebuild, I'd go for the rebuild.  Rebuilt mine, all new bushings, 
etc. later gave up and bought a rebuit.  Turned the engine over 
SO much faster.  Plus solenoid, brushes, bushings, bendix are all 

> I can't find a new bushing that goes into the block end,  Should I try
> to find a replacement or just leave the existing bushing alone.  Looks
> ok to me, no scoring.
  Usually that bushing wears to one side, egg shaped.  Typically it's
REPLACE IT, but if it looks good, isn't worn then dab some grease on 
it and go.  Easiest way to remove it is with a tap threaded into it then 
wiggle/pull.  The rebuilder should be able to provide one.  Rebuilt 
starters usually come with one wire-tied to it somewhere.

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