[Vwdiesel] Belts

Shalyn Shourds sshourds at flash.net
Wed Feb 23 21:56:57 PST 2011

> Also, how hard it is to replace a leaking seal on the injection pump input shaft? Brother and I both have the same issue.

Years ago, Dad and I replaced the seal on my old Rabbit.  You have to 
pull the pump gear and therefore re-time it, but if I recall correctly, 
it wasn't bad.  It was a fairly standard seal which we found pretty 
easy.  In retrospect, it may not have been an ideal solution, but we 
drilled a little hole in the seal and threaded a machine screw into it 
to pull it out.  Fine except for the possibility of metal shavings 
getting into the works.....  Dunno.  Car's still running and that was 


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