[Vwdiesel] minor tragedies--A4 suspension work
Patrick Dolan
pmdolan at sasktel.net
Sun Feb 27 05:52:34 PST 2011
Ark & Shalyn: I look at VW stuff just the other way around. Of course, for me it is (was) a matter of familiarity. Every time I work on some Yank tank or Jap scrap, things are done differently and I never seem to be able to "settle in" (I won't even bring up Brit BS in this discussion!!!).
The secret of working on VWs (and probably everything else) is preparation, patience and knowing a few trade secrets. Before you start a new job, read....STUDY....the Bentley for your car, and spend some time looking at the car. It may not give you the shortcuts, but most of us are not on the clock, so just follow the steps and it will come apart - and go back together. TAKE YOUR TIME...unless you are indeed in a flat rate shop - and even way back in those days, I would rather get it right and do it only once. Oh, yeah....CLEAN the bloody thing thoroughly. Again, not on the clock, and the quality of the job will be much better because you won't be pixxed off and the parts won't be filthy going in.
The right tools are mandatory. A fastener is a fastener, but a wrench is NOT "just" a wrench. If you can't get an axle nut off, you are probably using a 1/2" breaker bar. I use a 3/4" impact, or in the field a 3/4" breaker bar. If you ever had to get axle nuts off of old, rusty Type II reduction boxes, you would understand why. Critical fasteners (CV splines, etc.) need decent quality tools - or you will strip stuff. ALWAYS grab a 6 point socket to break hex nuts loose, not 12.
There are trade secrets in how do do some things as well. When I hear of people looking for pullers for tie rod ends and other tapers, I kind of chuckle. Yes, I have a mess of them, but they seldom need to be used. It takes some practice, but the way it is done on the floor is to loosen the nut a bit, then use a fairly big (3 lb) ball peen as an anvil and strke the opposite side of the steering arm with a smaller (2 lb) ball peen at right angles to the taper centerline. Usuall in one or two hits, the taper will pop right out. Not love taps, but pretty agressive stikes are needed.
Don't use mickey mouse press tools (such as spring compressors). Get something designed for the job (or made if you know how) that is at least twice as good as you think you need. Not only will the job go easily, but you might live to tell the tales. There is a LOT of energy stored in a suspension spring, so give it the respect it deserves.
IMHO there are three levels of performing any task: workmanship, tradesmanship and craftsmanship. Chill out, think ahead, get the right mindset and enjoy the craft.
----- Original Message -----
From: Arkady Mirvis <arkadymirvis at gmail.com>
Date: Sunday, February 27, 2011 4:39 am
Subject: [Vwdiesel] minor tragedies--A4 suspension work
> . Familiar opinions!
> When I was working in Vienna ( Austria ) , even the most
> experienced
> mechanics next to me, had decades of experience and best german
> training,
> considered VW cars as the nastiest, worst designed, absolutely
> unfriendly to
> work on them and maintain. The curses they cried and addressed to
> " German
> Engineering " were the worst in German language and could have
> been heard
> for kilometers in the hot air. On some day the reputable shop was
> a real
> madness and waiting customers could see thru the glass wall red
> faces full
> of mad expressions and mouthes profusely salivating. The shop
> Leiter ( we
> called him Fuerer ) could enter the work area and was careful
> avoiding
> flying wrenches and parts. His attempts to quell the mechanics
> working on VW
> were going nowhere.
> Mechanic next to me in mad expression broke his arm hitting the
> Transporter
> wheel, when he couldn't take off the rear drive axle CV joint bolts.
> In moments of silence people were grateful to VW AG for making bad
> cars
> which provided job security.
> For Shalin: Christ suffered and told us to suffer. Ark
> ----- Original Message -----
> From: "Shalyn Shourds" <sshourds at flash.net>
> To: <vwdiesel at vwfans.com>
> Sent: Sunday, February 27, 2011 5:40 AM
> Subject: [Vwdiesel] minor tragedies--A4 suspension work
> > Yesterday, I started in on the TDI front end job. First step
> was to
> > remove the aluminum skid plate. The front of the plate mounts
> up to
> > these tubes bolted to the frame. I was laying under one of those
> > removing the bolt in the bottom of the tube when I noticed a few
> drops> of water. Then the bolt came out and I realized that the
> whole tube was
> > full of nasty, brown/grey water. It all went straight through
> my nose
> > into my sinuses.
> >
> > I'll just leave it at saying that this is something you want to
> avoid.>
> > Sadly, this was not the most flustrated I've been on this
> project. I'm
> > trying to replace the ball joints, struts, complete rack, and
> control> arm bushings. I recently did this on my A2, but it
> didn't take me long
> > working on my A4 Jetta to realize that I wasn't in Kansas
> anymore. I
> > did break down and order the special "spreader" socket for the clamp
> > that goes around the strut. I'll see more about that when it
> arrives.> Just prying at it and beating the steering knuckle with
> a hammer wasn't
> > getting me there. And, since I'm basically nocturnal, I didn't
> figure> my neighbors were thrilled about the banging and screamed
> unintelligible> curses late into the night.
> >
> > On my A2, I just pulled the axle shaft from the hub and removed the
> > whole works. Am I correct in thinking that this one doesn't
> just pull
> > off? I keep seeing references to a special puller...... I
> couldn't get
> > the nut loose anyways. I had all 135lbs bouncing on my breaker
> bar and
> > I didn't even get it to creak.
> >
> > I'd actually called a local shop about doing this job for me, I was
> > dreading it so much. Oddly, they never called me back. I guess
> I know
> > why--they didn't want to do it either.
> >
> >
> >
> > -Shalyn
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